
Gifts and Memorials

Your tax-deductible contributions will help VNA maintain its long tradition of providing care to all who need it. Donations support home health services for uninsured or under-insured individuals.

Please consider a donation. You may make your donation in honor of a special person or event. A memorial in the name of a loved one is also a meaningful way to help the community, while paying a lasting tribute to a family member or friend.

Find out how your generosity may provide valuable tax advantages while benefiting the community in which you live. For more information about donations, planned giving through insurance, trusts, securities and property, call the VNA Financial Manager at 319-337-9686.

Our ability to provide vital home care to those with nowhere else to turn depends on community support.

Thank you for your consideration.

Walk for Dignity

Join us for the 26th Annual Walk for Dignity to benefit Iowa City Hospice and VNA of Johnson County.

Sunday, April 27th, 2025- Willow Creek Park, 1117 Teg Dr, Iowa City, IA 52246

Amazon Wish List

Please consider donating items from our Wish List!